

What is Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD)? v 908 431 0090 or Email Us

ITAD & Computer Recycling for the United States - Canada - Tri State

Business Computer Recycler Better Business Bureau® IT Hardware Recycler
IT asset disposition recycling

I.T. Equipment Disposal, Recycling & Resell Solutions

The YBC ITAD company offers an information technology asset disposition solution for all data center equipment and business IT hardware. The YBC ITAD service includes the removal, recycling & reselling of all used, decommissioned servers, networking equipment, workstation computers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices such as iPads and Android PC Tablets, smartphones and all other office IT hardware. In addition, this eco-friendly, R2 and ISO certified ITAD service includes digital data destruction (hard drive shredding and wiping). The YBC ITAD service can also provide serialized IT asset reports proving beyond any shadow of doubt the chain of custody and the legal disposal of your corporate IT e-Waste. Furthermore, the YBC ITAD solution provides IT disposal and resell strategies that reduce your company’s carbon footprint, thusly helping you to better achieve your CSR & Carbon Neutral Policies. The YBC ITAD business has been supporting data centers, call centers, IT intensive offices and large departments for decades. As one of the most established IT asset disposition and disposal companies in the USA the YBC ITAD team have a great deal of experience in decommissioning entire data centers and removing, recycling or reselling thousands of computers and tons of IT infrastructure. The YBC ITAD team are tried and trusted by thousands of clients globally. YBC welcomes you in joining us and very much looks forward to working with you.

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IT asset disposition


ITAD is an acronym for ‘Information Technology Asset Disposition’ (also known as I.T. asset disposition though commonly mistaken as I.T. asset disposal). The term ITAD describes the combined methods for retiring IT hardware in an ethical and socially responsible (CSR) manner. The ITAD process ensures that a company disposing of its IT hardware (e.g.: via recycling, reselling or donating) has full legal indemnity in regard to the ewaste & data protection laws. Furthermore, the ITAD process is designed to minimize the costs of IT hardware disposal via value recovery programs. Listed below are a few commonly asked questions and answers relating to IT asset disposition:

  1. What is meant by ITAD compliance?
  2. What is meant by ITAD sustainability?
  3. What is meant by ITAD value recovery?
  4. What is meant by ITAD data security?
  5. What are the processes of ITAD?
  6. What is meant by ITAD audit & retrieval?
  7. What is refurbishing & remarketing?
  8. What is meant by IT asset recycling?
  9. What is ITAD certification & reporting?


All IT hardware from a company smartphone to cloud data storage will at some point need replacing. When the time comes to upgrade your organizations old IT hardware the question of disposal might pale into insignificance compared to the process of updating equipment. You could easily be excused for thinking most IT managers are more concerned with new technology rather than what to do with old technology. However, this is far from true, today’s IT managers are just as concerned about IT asset disposition as they are with IT asset requisition. From an ethical point of view there are many IT engineers, managers and directors that are growing increasingly concerned over the environmental, sustainability and privacy issues that arise from the disposal of computer electronics. Choosing an IT disposal company that provides ITAD compliance is one of the best ways to ensure your decommissioned IT hardware is recycled, resold or donated legally. YBC’s ITAD services goes two steps further than just covering the legal compliances. YBC also ensures a level of IT asset disposition that is environmentally friendly, ethically managed & socially responsible. To learn more about YBC ITAD compliance please call: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.

The YBC ITAD Service Includes Buying Used Business IT Hardware and Company Computers.


All IT hardware from a company smartphone to cloud data storage will at some point need replacing. When the time comes to upgrade your organizations old IT hardware the question of disposal might pale into insignificance compared to the process of updating equipment. You could easily be excused for thinking most IT managers are more concerned with new technology rather than what to do with old technology. However, this is far from true, today’s IT managers are just as concerned about IT asset disposition as they are with IT asset requisition. From an ethical point of view there are many IT engineers, managers and directors that are growing increasingly concerned over the environmental, sustainability and privacy issues that arise from the disposal of computer electronics. Choosing an IT disposal company that provides ITAD compliance is one of the best ways to ensure your decommissioned IT hardware is recycled, resold or donated legally. YBC’s ITAD services goes two steps further than just covering the legal compliances. YBC also ensures a level of IT asset disposition that is environmentally friendly, ethically managed & socially responsible. To learn more about YBC ITAD compliance please call: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.

CSR An Sustainable I.T. Asset Disposal Service


There are over 20 billion computers, laptops, servers, PC tablets and smartphones in use around the world. 20 billion IT assets equates to an unfathomable quantity of alloys, plastics, glass and inorganic compounds. This insatiable demand for IT electronics puts an incredible strain on the Earth. Natural environments are destroyed in search of minerals, people and communities are exploited and the balance of nature can be disrupted beyond repair. Thankfully IT asset disposition ensures an approach that provides sustainable advancements in information technology that irradicate environmental damage and exploitation. YBC is an environmentally friendly and socially responsible accredited ITAD business. When you choose to dispose of your old computers, servers, laptops, mobile devices and IT hardware with the YBC ITAD program you are choosing to have your IT assets recycled so they can be reused or their composite materials can be recovered for future manufacturing. To have your computer and IT assets disposed of using the most eco-friendly and socially responsible methods please call: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.


Naturally there is a fiscal cost to recycling, reselling, donating and the data destruction processes of IT asset disposition. These costs are a result of logistics, warehousing, equipment and the labor required to collect, sort, store, recycle or refurbish, remarket, sell and ship used IT hardware. The YBC ITAD program aims to remove these costs where possible via recovering the value of a businesses decommissioned IT assets. Costs can be partially recovered through materials reclamation or by reselling used IT hardware that still hold a good market value. The YBC ITAD value recovery service is one of the most established in the ITAD industry. In many cases clients qualify for free IT asset disposition as a result of YBC being able to recuperate the costs of disposal and data destruction. To find out if your organization or company qualifies for FREE ITAD disposal please call: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.



Naturally there is a fiscal cost to recycling, reselling, donating and the data destruction processes of IT asset disposition. These costs are a result of logistics, warehousing, equipment and the labor required to collect, sort, store, recycle or refurbish, remarket, sell and ship used IT hardware. The YBC ITAD program aims to remove these costs where possible via recovering the value of a businesses decommissioned IT assets. Costs can be partially recovered through materials reclamation or by reselling used IT hardware that still hold a good market value. The YBC ITAD value recovery service is one of the most established in the ITAD industry. In many cases clients qualify for free IT asset disposition as a result of YBC being able to recuperate the costs of disposal and data destruction. To find out if your organization or company qualifies for FREE ITAD disposal please call: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.

I.T. Asset Disposition Data Security


One of the most important aspects of IT asset disposition is the process of ensuring a client is protected against data breeches resulting from the incorrect disposal of retired computer hardware. Choosing not to wipe the memory of hard drives, flash drives, CD’s, DVD’s, digital tape, smartphones & computer tablets holding personal information (PII) can result in an organization being legally prosecuted. In fact, failing to dispose of IT hardware in compliance with data protection laws is considered to be such a serious crime that even the individuals responsible for their company’s IT hardware disposal can be prosecuted if found negligent. The YBC IT asset disposition data destruction service removes all liabilities from both the client as an organization and the individual responsible. To learn more about IT asset disposition and the certified disposal of data sensitive IT equipment please call the YBC ITAD team today: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.


ITAD can be explained most easily as a series of 8 processes. The first of which starts with identifying the decommissioned IT assets in need of retrieval. This is followed by transporting the IT assets to an ITAD facility, then auditing, inspecting, sorting and storing the IT assets before they are either recycled or resold. The very last process in IT asset disposition is certifying that the decommissioned IT hardware has been disposed of responsibly and legally. YBC is one of the few ITAD vendors in the USA capable of managing the entire process of IT asset disposition. With over 3 decades of experience in developing bespoke ITAD solutions YBC has grown to become an industry leader. Today YBC provides ITAD services for every model, make and brand of computer hardware. If your company or organization is considering an IT equipment upgrade and needs to dispose of its redundant IT hardware please call the YBC ITAD team for help v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.



ITAD can be explained most easily as a series of 8 processes. The first of which starts with identifying the decommissioned IT assets in need of retrieval. This is followed by transporting the IT assets to an ITAD facility, then auditing, inspecting, sorting and storing the IT assets before they are either recycled or resold. The very last process in IT asset disposition is certifying that the decommissioned IT hardware has been disposed of responsibly and legally. YBC is one of the few ITAD vendors in the USA capable of managing the entire process of IT asset disposition. With over 3 decades of experience in developing bespoke ITAD solutions YBC has grown to become an industry leader. Today YBC provides ITAD services for every model, make and brand of computer hardware. If your company or organization is considering an IT equipment upgrade and needs to dispose of its redundant IT hardware please call the YBC ITAD team for help v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.

ITAD Audit and Retrieval


Whether disposing of 5 laptops or 500 computers each and every machine will need to be audited to prove compliance with both State & Federal ewaste and data protection laws. The audit process is very simple and really just starts with making a record of the IT hardware being collected. Once audited, the pick-up and removal team label each device with a tracking code. Further retrieval services might include palletization of the IT hardware, securing data sensitive or hi-value IT assets in locked rolling cages and even onsite data destruction if necessary. Once the IT assets have been removed, they are securely transported to the YBC ITAD facilities for inspection and sorting. The collection team will use the audit and tracking ID’s to double check they have retrieved all the IT hardware from the clients’ location. As the retired computer equipment is processed its ID tags are matched with serial numbers. This identification of serial numbers helps to ensure the accurate reporting of processes such as hard drive wiping, recycling, refurbishment & resale. To discuss a pick-up of your businesses old, obsolete IT hardware and computers please call the YBC ITAD team: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.


IT asset disposition refurbishment and remarketing are a commonly used set of terms describing the selling of used corporate IT hardware (e.g. used company laptops, servers, desktop computers, smartphones & mobile devices such as Tablet PCs). The refurbishment of IT assets might be as little as removing stickers and cleaning surfaces to installing new software (e.g. the latest version of Windows) and hardware such as motherboards, RAM, hard drives, graphic cards and so on. Refurbishment is usually done to increase the sales income as it allows YBC to remarket the description of IT hardware as ‘up-to-date’ and relevant. The term remarketing is used in the ITAD process to promote or advertise the IT assets for sale. For example, YBC would send a list of recently refurbished computers out to its many buyer groups. The list would include all relevant data such as operating systems, CPU’s, RAM and HDD size to justify the sales value. The buyers use this information to order the IT hardware most relevant to their sector. For more information, please call the YBC ITAD support team: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us for help.



IT asset disposition refurbishment and remarketing are a commonly used set of terms describing the selling of used corporate IT hardware (e.g. used company laptops, servers, desktop computers, smartphones & mobile devices such as Tablet PCs). The refurbishment of IT assets might be as little as removing stickers and cleaning surfaces to installing new software (e.g. the latest version of Windows) and hardware such as motherboards, RAM, hard drives, graphic cards and so on. Refurbishment is usually done to increase the sales income as it allows YBC to remarket the description of IT hardware as ‘up-to-date’ and relevant. The term remarketing is used in the ITAD process to promote or advertise the IT assets for sale. For example, YBC would send a list of recently refurbished computers out to its many buyer groups. The list would include all relevant data such as operating systems, CPU’s, RAM and HDD size to justify the sales value. The buyers use this information to order the IT hardware most relevant to their sector. For more information, please call the YBC ITAD support team: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us for help.

ITAD Recycling.


Information technology asset disposition (ITAD) is at its very core designed to ensure the most responsible method of computer & IT hardware disposal. By far one of the most responsible methods of IT asset disposal is to have computers & IT hardware taken apart and separated into its materials to make recycling easier. This process is known as ‘demanufacturing’ and allows most of the alloys, metals, plastics and glass to be fully recycled. In fact, ITAD recycling can reclaim between 98% to 100% of the materials used in the manufacturing of computers & IT hardware. Furthermore, and equally impressive, materials such as aluminium can find their way back into manufacturing in as little as 6 weeks from being recycled. That means your old company computers for example, could well end up as new products in less than 2 months from being recycled. For more information about recycling your used computers and obsolete IT assets please call the YBC ITAD support team: v 908 431 0090 or Email Us.


At the very beginning of the ITAD process computers and IT hardware are audited, tagged and every interaction is recorded. At the end of the ITAD process a full report for each device is published and provided to the client in both hard copy and digital formats. These reports are stored on the YBC extranet and accessible to each client individually via the secure login feature of this website. Each report acts as a form of certification to prove that all IT assets were disposed of in accordance with both Federal and State regulations. The YBC ITAD service itself is also accredited and certified as a R2 responsible recycler, an ISO 180001 ITAD service provider, a State permitted IT hardware disposal facility and a Better Business Bureau Accredited corporation. For help with any further Information Technology Asset Disposition questions please contact the YBC ITAD team v 908 431 0090 or Email Us for help.



At the very beginning of the ITAD process computers and IT hardware are audited, tagged and every interaction is recorded. At the end of the ITAD process a full report for each device is published and provided to the client in both hard copy and digital formats. These reports are stored on the YBC extranet and accessible to each client individually via the secure login feature of this website. Each report acts as a form of certification to prove that all IT assets were disposed of in accordance with both Federal and State regulations. The YBC ITAD service itself is also accredited and certified as a R2 responsible recycler, an ISO 180001 ITAD service provider, a State permitted IT hardware disposal facility and a Better Business Bureau Accredited corporation. For help with any further Information Technology Asset Disposition questions please contact the YBC ITAD team v 908 431 0090 or Email Us for help.

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Free ITAD computer call YBC for helpFor Help Call: 908 431 0090 or Email Us


The YBC I.T. asset disposition service covers every make, model & manufacturer.

Dispose of corporate laptops via selling or recycling them.

Laptops Accepted for Reselling or Recycling

The following list shows the most commonly accepted ‘work place’ laptops for disposal via recycling or reselling:

  • Business laptops
  • Governmental laptops
  • Laptops used for R & D
  • Office laptops
  • Sales team laptops
  • Support team laptops
  • Field engineer laptops
  • Medical laptops
  • Company laptops
  • Corporate laptops
  • Legal firm laptops
  • Call center laptops

To learn more about laptop recycling, resale and wiping or shredding laptop hard drives click here or below:

Recycle business pcs and computer hardware arrange a pick up today.

Computers Accepted for Reselling or Recycling

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted ‘work place’ computers YBC disposes of via recycling or reselling:

  • Workstation computers
  • Desktop computers
  • Tower computers
  • Office computers
  • Call center PCs
  • Support team pcs
  • Work computers
  • Medical computers
  • Company computers
  • Corporate computers
  • Business computers
  • Customer center PCs

To learn more about computer recycling, resale & wiping or shredding computer hard drives click here or below:

Local ITAD and disposal service for I.T. server hardware and computing equipment.

Servers Accepted for Reselling or Recycling

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted computer servers YBC disposes of via recycling or reselling:

  • Business servers
  • Cloud servers
  • Data center servers
  • Server room hardware
  • Proxy server
  • Mail server
  • Server platforms
  • Web server
  • Application server
  • Office server
  • Ftp server
  • Works servers

To learn more about recycling or resale servers and the wiping or shredding of server hard drives click here or below:

ITAD disposal service for I.T. network equipment.

IT Hardware Accepted for Reselling or Recycling

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted IT hardware YBC disposes of via recycling or reselling:

  • Network cables
  • Routers
  • Repeaters
  • Hubs
  • Switches
  • Bridges
  • Gateways
  • Wireless hardware
  • Firewalls
  • Modem
  • Controllers
  • Network hardware
  • IT hardware

To learn more about how to dispose of IT Hardware and network equipment via recycling or resale click here or below:

Disposal and Recycling of Business smartphones.

Telephones Accepted for Reselling or Recycling

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted telephones YBC disposes of via recycling or reselling:

  • Android smartphones
  • iOS (Apple) smartphones
  • Bada (Samsung) smartphones
  • Blackberry phones
  • Windows smartphones
  • Symbian (Nokia) smartphones
  • Tizen (Samsung) smartphones
  • Business smartphones
  • Company smartphones
  • Work smartphones
  • Mobile phones
  • Office telephone systems

To learn more about telephone recycling, resale and the wiping a phones hard drive click here or below:

Disposal ITAD service for recycling or selling used company office computer equipment.

Office Computer Equipment Accepted for Disposal

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted office computer equipment collected & disposes of:

  • Office workstations
  • Office docking stations
  • Office servers
  • Computer monitors
  • LCD & LED screens
  • Printers
  • Photocopiers
  • External hard drives
  • Keyboards & mice
  • UPS
  • iPads & tablets
  • Server room equipment

To learn more about how to dispose of office computer equipment and the wiping a PC hard drives click here or below:

Delete computer memory, files and folders forever

Hard Drive & Data Storage Disposal

The following overwrite and degaussing standards are compliant with NIST 800-88 & available at YBC:

  • US DoD 5220.22-M
  • CCE & VS
  • Sarbanes-Oxley
  • FACTA standards
  • US Army AR380-19
  • US Air Force SSI 5020
  • US Navy SOP P-5329-26
  • US NCSC TG-025
  • 25k Degauss flux
  • & more…

To learn more about data destruction and de-branding for all data-containing equipment click here or below:

Table computer disposal service for businesses.

Mobile Devices Accepted for Disposal

The following is a list of the most commonly accepted tablet computers YBC collects & recycles:

  • Apple iPad
  • Galaxy Tab
  • Surface Pro
  • HP Elite
  • Business iPads
  • Company tablets
  • Mobile devices
  • Thinkpad
  • Computer tablets
  • PC tablet
  • Work tablets
  • Business iPads

To learn more about recycling or reselling used company tablet computer and wiping their memory click here or below:

Fully Compliant with EPA Guidelines & Regulations


The YBC ITAD service refurbishes, remarkets and sells used business computers for it's clients.

On-Site Audit, Palletization & Secure Logistics

When it comes time to decommission old IT hardware the YBC IT asset disposition and disposal service is unparalleled. YBC provides a world-class, onsite, ITAD audit of all your company’s retired IT hardware which, also involves palletizing all your retired computer equipment during this process. This makes the pick-up an effortless progression and immeasurably swift. For more information regarding ITAD logistics click here. Pick up service for trash office PCs and IT hardware.

Professional Data Destruction, Secure Onsite Hard Drive Shredding.

Data Destruction & Hard Drive Shredding

All decommissioned hard drives & digital storage systems are either wiped & shredded at the clients’ location, or locked in a secure rolling storage cabinet & transported to the YBC data destruction labs where they can be utterly destroyed. All digital data destruction services provided are compliant with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements for data destruction along with NATO NIAPC, HIPAA, NAID & the US DoD, click here. National Association for Information Destruction (NAID®) computer data disposal

YBC is the industry leading ITAD Provider.

IT Asset Testing, Refurbishment & Recycling

YBC has recycled over 10,000,000 computers and that number is growing daily. One of the best ways to recycle is to reuse. YBC has one of the best refurbish and reseller programs in the country, this ensures clients get the best possible prices for their retired IT hardware. Not all clients want to sell their obsolete IT hardware, for those clients wishing to recycle, YBC provides a fully R2 certified computer recycling service, click here. Dispose of used, decommisioned computer equipment from call centers, data centers and large offices.

Selling used IT assets.

IT Asset Remarketing & Reporting

YBC provides its clients with a fully secured and customizable online ‘Reporting Portal’. This portal allows clients to view or export detailed reports related to their retired IT assets. These reports contain: detailed asset tracking info, refurbishment, remarketing and sales values and for legal protection; indemnification certificates that prove recycling and chain of custody. For more information about this ITAD service click here. Selling secondhand company computers, s and servers.

Global Information Technology Asset Disposition

Global Information Technology Asset Disposition

YBC offers a full suite of ITAD Services globally. ITAD initiatives include: reduced-fee programs with a client revenue share, and even No-Fee programs, offering free pick-ups & free computer recycling / disposal. YBC also offers lease return management (e.g. assessment, repair and return of IT equipment to lessor). Lastly, YBC may also offer to buy your business’s retired computers if they are in good condition, click here. Recycle damaged or obsolete work computers.

Cloud computing hardware recycling services.

State & Federal Approved Computer Disposal

YBC (a nationwide U.S. veteran owned ITAD business) recycles computers for a multitude of corporations, organizations, governmental departments, schools and institutions. Now in its third decade of providing State DEP and U.S. Federal EPA compliant computer disposal services, YBC takes great pride in being one of the earliest pioneers in recycling I.T. hardware. To learn more about computer disposal laws click here. The number one ITAD business near you for disposing of company computers.

Eco-friendly IT disposal for businesses.

Zero Landfill with Full Accountability

Computer hardware & IT devices in general are rapidly becoming the cause of the fastest growing toxic waste problem in the world. If all the desktop computers, s & servers in use right now were lined up they would circle the Earth 25 times. The problem occurs when this IT hardware becomes obsolete and needs to be disposed of. The YBC solution keeps IT hardware out of landfills, find out how, click here. Where do companies recycle their unwanted computers.

Find out if your company qualifies for the free computer recycling program.

A Fully Accredited & Certified ITAD Service

YBC is a certified VOB business with full BBB accreditation. The YBC company mandate is to help address and solve the growing problem of computer ewaste (electronic waste) pollution. In the pursuit of this ambition YBC holds R2, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 certifications & provides ITAD computer recycling & hard drive destruction. YBC is also a State certified computer disposal company. For more information click here. Tri-State computer disposal service for businesses in NJ, NYC, NY, CT and PENN.

Since 1994 Over 10,000,000 I.T. Assets Recycled.

Yesterday's Business Computers

I.T. Hardware Removal

I.T. Hardware Removal

YBC has its own fleet of corporate IT hardware removal trucks and vans operating Nationwide 24/7.

CLICK HERE Pick up service for trash office PCs and IT hardware.

Hard Drive Shredding And Data Wipe

Hard Drive Destruction

YBC offers permanent file and data deletion with the best hard drive wiping and shredding services.

CLICK HERE National Association for Information Destruction (NAID®) computer data disposal

Recycle IT Hardware and Computer Equipment

Recycle Computer Equipment

YBC fully recycles all your office computers, business laptops, data center servers and IT hardware.

CLICK HERE Dispose of used, decommisioned computer equipment from call centers, data centers and large offices.


Sell Used I.T. Equipment

Get the true market value for your used computers, laptops, servers, company smartphones & tablets.

CLICK HERE Selling secondhand company computers, laptops and servers.

An Award Winning Red Carpet ITAD Service
Award Winning ITAD business for the disposal of Customer Service Centre computer hardware.
About YBC

YBC, an award-winning asset recovery and asset management firm, was founded in 1994. Our principals have over 60 years of I.T. Asset Disposition experience. Today, we are recognized as the nation’s most experienced partner specializing in managing technology lifecycle services for Corporate America. Our headquarters is located in Hillsborough, New Jersey (49,000 square foot) with affiliated offices throughout the U.S.. For over 25 years, YBC has provided significant cost savings for businesses seeking assistance in all stages of the technology lifecycle. YBC has earned the reputation within the industry as one of the most trusted partners in developing unique, yet simple solutions for Computer Asset Recovery and Reverse Logistics.

Recycling for Customer Service Departments
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Data Center equipment disposal service.
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New York - NYC - North Carolina - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - Texas - Virginia - Washington DC

Head Office: Yesterday's Business Computers 239 Homestead Rd, Hillsborough Township, NJ 08844, United States

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